Academic Connections, International © Academic Connections, International

Faith and Science

Version 2.84


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     It would be be a colossal understatement to say that science plays an important and influential role in academe and generally in our (Western) culture and beyond. Indeed, it is thought in some circles that science just is the paradigm of rationality. Setting aside the fact that science, whatever exactly it is--a philosophical and conventional question--flourished in the West where Christianity reigned and not in other parts of the world where it hasn't, it is nonetheless thought by many secularists and atheists that somehow science, per se, has dealt theism and especially Christian theism, a mortal blow. However, remember that many of the early great scientists were theists--for example like Newton and Faraday and that "science", secularized science per se, depends on a coherency theory of knowledge that either leads one to a deflationary view of knowledge or to some sort of acognosticism between the perceived world and its relationship to the real world. We see this effort to completely secularize science in the fortunes of logical positivism of the early 20th century and its progeny scientism--they have not done well.