Academic Connections, International © Academic Connections, International
Chapter Formation & Building
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.”
~ Edmund Burke
“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed…” 1 Peter 1:13
The resources we have put together are for ACI associates and faculty leaders who are interested in learning more about starting and sustaining Christian faculty communities on local campuses. They are often re-edited, upgraded or added to regularly, so this is a project always in process.
Some of what we have on this site are video, some are video/slide shows, and some original written work from our experience in the field. We encourage you to meet with our staff to get the full impact of these resources—especially the video/slide shows.

Starting a local Christian community and re-starting or sustaining communities are very similar tasks. So you will see some redundancy in the resources that relate to both. Just decide where your community is presently, and scroll up and access the resources that make the most sense to you.
It’s extremely important to us to help you find what you need to know. Hopefully our staff can help you find it, but if you don’t have their help, you can browse these resources quickly to see what might be useful for you. We will always be adding and correcting these resources and trying to make them more user friendly. Use the email at the bottom of the page to send us a note to ask for personal help. Use this link for the history of versions for this site; current version is: 1.44.