Academic Connections, International © Academic Connections, International


Spiritual Formation - For Christian Professors,

Mentoring The Journey

       Encouraging a Deeper Understanding of Spiritual Birth & Spiritual Formation

Version 2.5

Continental Divide Section

     Among the topographical features highlighted on this page is an important "fork in the road" in life's journey--and it is a critical divide in terms of the subejct matter on this site. It is not that the content and perspective on both sides of the divide are unrelated, indeed, as you will see they are profoundly related. However, it does mark a major change in life orientation.

Mentoring These Contours and Choices

          Topo Link #1: Before They Come to Faith in Christ

          Topo Link #2: After They Come to Faith in Christ

Other Resources:

          Daily Scripture Meditation (Year Round)

          More Details



          Terms of Use


     We have decided to put our resources relevant to evangelism in the academic world (peer to peer or peer to groups of peers) and spiritual formation in the academic setting in one place, so that can be seen together. We will also talk about pwhat we call pre-evangelism or "sowing" in this part of the site. However, you will be referred to parts of this subsite from other places on our site that will by-pass this introduction and take you to the resources more directly.

     We decided to organize this around the theme of journey, "mentoring the journey." Just like you would expect when you are heading into the wilderness and planning a journey on foot, you'd be wise to have a good topographic map to make sure you know where you're going. That's the way we've designed this for you.